AnubhavINC The Dusk
Random though, random moment!

Sun bowing down,
To welcome the dusk.
Giving red tint,
To clouds of dust.

Lined by red,
Orange ball of fire.
Throwing rays,
Higher and higher.

Rays piercing sky,
And shadowing clouds.
A show of patterns,
With birds screeching loud.

Flocks of birds,
Perching all at once.
Asking each other-
Was the day fun?

Flights of fun,
Screams of joy.
Just look at them-
How much they enjoy?!

Between constant honks,
Sun went down.
Sky still so lit,
Like shining crown.

And that light,
Went off too.
All over the land,
Darkness loomed.

Chirping ceased,
In an easing way.
Silence doomed,
As mood sways.

Flashes, blinks,
And then light.
Street brightens again,
As day turned night.

Nothing special happened,
No particular gains.
Except moment of joy,
While struggling pains.

There'll be day again,
Turning dark to light,
Night will end with day,
And day with night.

(Observation and Imagination are a blessing, not everyone can handle them. We are all blessed with same brain, its upon us how to use it. Though our growing up matter a lot in the way we think. The values and ethics that were taught to us are the base our character is build upon.)


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