
Showing posts from August, 2019

Coup de Grâce

Thank You!!! I was happy; When you smiled at me; When you passed by me; Especially when, you looked me, Standing by my side. Though you never called me; You never hold me; You never touched me; I was happy. But then you left me; Left me like anything; I was shattered & broken; I was sad, yet, ALIVE!!! And the last blow came, When you smiled at me, With someone else beside you... (Now, I wanna thank you; Thank You for Coup de Grâce! ) PS- Thank You!!! For Everything...

Dark Eyes

I imagined your eyes to be beautifully dark , Almost black with bright burning spark. It was years ago, when I met you, Still, I remember dark eyes of you. Yesterday I had a glimpse of you in the park, You were not same, your ever were not dark. Now, you stand in front of me- With bright BROWN glittering eyes. And I am confused, whether- I loved you, or your dark eyes .


Flag bearer I'm walking in midst of battle,  Body is shivering like that of cattle.  Some faces I knew and others not, Fight is fierce and the blood is hot.  Some looked at me and others ignored,  Rest fell to rest and then they snored. They laid there for a forever sleep, But none had time to wait and weep. Shedding blood and shedding tear, (Battle) Cries are loud but none to hear. In this havoc, I heard a beat, Which grew stronger with my every feet. It was none than my beating heart, Which kept my strength from falling apart. Holding the flag I walked and walked,  Accompanying me, heart talked and talked.  Aching body of an ageing ace, It gave up, but I kept my pace. Pain and pains are hacking head, Body died, I am walking dead.  But I think the end is here, Cause this is the top and I'm here. I took the flagpole and buried it deep, All looked at me, lion and sheep.  Flag is waving,


Random though, random moment! Sun bowing down, To welcome the dusk. Giving red tint, To clouds of dust. Lined by red , Orange ball of fire. Throwing rays, Higher and higher. Rays piercing sky, And shadowing clouds . A show of patterns, With birds screeching loud. Flocks of birds, Perching all at once. Asking each other- Was the day fun? Flights of fun, Screams of joy. Just look at them- How much they enjoy?! Between constant honks, Sun went down. Sky still so lit, Like shining crown . And that light, Went off too. All over the land, Darkness loomed. Chirping ceased, In an easing way. Silence doomed, As mood sways. Flashes, blinks, And then light. Street brightens again, As day turned night. Nothing special happened, No particular gains. Except moment of joy, While struggling pains. There'll be day again, Turning dark to light, Night will end with day, And day with night. (Observation and Imagination are a blessing, not every


Love Drug: Dose 1 Desperate men go in desperate search. Having no idea and experience of how relationships work, I was planning one. All lost in her thoughts, searching for the answers, so that she can think of trusting me. Her questions, straight and sharp, were difficult to answer.  Just because, I had never thought of them, ever.  Walking upstairs, with a weird desperate will to talk more, bonded by my patient mind, which had been habitual to it, in this span of 4 years.  Somewhere in the middle of desert, a little far away, I see water. Might be mirage, but HOPE , is a beautiful thing .  Alas! I reached there, at the top of tallest building on the hill.  Like a debris of concrete,  the city looked a mess. But still, better than me.  Concrete Mess A cool splash of swift moving wind, took my mind to the moment I first talked to her. Chit chat, laughter, smiles, advises, queries, questions, doubts, expressions, suggestions, flaunting, taunting, e