The Parker Pen

I exactly remember that day, when I was returning to Nagpur after enjoying my summer holidays with my grandparents. I had been there for last fourteen days, enjoying, playing and spending each moment with the love of my grandparents. Actually, on comparing to my cousins, you can understood that I was only one who has spent so much and most beautiful times with grandparents. I won’t tell you about the beginning of my relationship with my grandparents, because even I don’t remember that time. Rather I will tell you about my friendship with my Grandpa.

I was told that my Grandpa had been a teacher in a government high school an also he was very strict and stern. But since I saw him, he had always been happy and always holding smile on that old charming face. His forehead had wrinkles running over it, describing his journey from a orphaned child to a senior Physics teacher in a high school, and all with his own hard work. He was almost clean from top, but still had a last 
struggling cover of white and grey hairs, mostly at back.

Those summer vacations were my best vacations I had ever spent. After school had closed my Dad planned a vacations to grandparents’ house. As we reached there, it was evening and we were told to wash our faces and have dinner. After having our meals, we sat together to discuss the things which I don’t know. My Dad and Grandpa were discussing each and every which I don’t know and I don’t understand. And on seeing my face, the expressions of un-unerstandability, Grandpa told me to sleep now so that I can wake up early, so that he can take me for a walk. In my excitement for tomorrow, I slept early.

The  next day when I woke up, I discovered that mummy was making tea for all and my younger sister was helping her. My Dad was talking with Grandpa and Grandma. Lowering her voice, mummy told told me to brush my teeth. I silently obeyed her. After having tea, I sat beside Dad. A few minutes later their conversation ceased. There was silence for few seconds. 

Breaking it, Grandpa asked- “Are you ready for today’s walk?”

“Yes!!!,” I agreed.

Then we both went together for a walk, and our destination were the Shores of River Ganga, which were not much far from our home. While walking he was holding walking stick in one hand and my hand in his other hand. He was guiding me through the paths which were not unknown to me but I was not frequent to them. While walking, we discussed about the playing on the sides of road, about my school projects and all that. He told me about childhood incidents, that how he used the leaves of trees as slippers while going to school, when he had no money to buy a pair of them. He also told me about incidents in physics lab, where he was it’s in charge when he was a teacher.

That day, after my morning walk with Grandpa, I passed the day playing carrom and listening to stories that my Grandpa would read for me from a few of large number of books he had. He would start with- “Are you ready for this story?”

And I would say- “Yess!!!”

Like this, my each day passed smoothly. Everyday we would walk to the shores of River Ganga, with my Grandpa holding my hand. And everyday he would ask me same questions-

“Are you ready for today’s walk?”

“Are you ready for this story?”

“Are you ready for………?”

And all that, but every time my reply was same- “Yes!!!”

Those holidays were not adventurous nor were they filled with tragedy, but were full of pleasure that grandparents provide to their grandchildren and were full of their live. My days at my grandparent’s house were passing fast as compared to my school days, which were always boring.

Finally the day came, when we had to leave for Nagpur. That day, before leaving, my Grandpa brought a Parker Pen and gave it to me and asked-

“Are you ready for this journey?”

As usual my reply was- “Yes!!!”

After coming to Nagpur, I showed that pen to all my friends because having a Parker Pen was a great deal at that time.

Today, about five years after those vacations, the last remains of my Grandpa is that Parker Pen. Today, I have this pen with me, but I don’t have my Grandpa in this cruel mortal world. This pen in my hand, same old Parker Pen, reminds me of my Grandpa, who is not with me now. This pen also reminds me of those vacations, those were the last vacations I had ever enjoyed with my Grandpa.

After five year of that time, I actually understand the deepness of his questions. Now I want to answer them again.

“Are you ready for today’s walk?”

No. I’m not. I am not ready to walk alone, without anyone holding my hand. I am afraid to walk alone.

“Are you ready for this story?”

No. I’m not. I don’t want any story to be written, without you being a part of it.

And most importantly, I want to answer the last question he asked me-
“Are you ready for this journey?”

No. I’m not. I don’t have courage to walk this journey,journey of life, alone. I want you to be with me. I don’t even want this journey to begin. I just want to be a child, want to be in same carelessness. I want to be in that warm and comfortable blanket of un-understandability, away from tensions an problems of life. I just want to be a child and I want you to read me stories, play with me and hold my hand forever, forever.


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