A Face Off With Past

There was dark and lonely road in front of her. But she was determined that she could walk any path, alone. No matter how dark the path is or how lonely it is, but she knew, she could walk it alone. She , then,looked at her watch on her right wrist, it was half past eleven. Looking ahead she took a step, then another, and started walking. The road was dark not only because there was no street lights but also due to the high and heavily covered trees on both side of it. But still, she could see her path clearly in the light glittered by waning half moon.

While walking she was thinking about the problems she and her family had to face since her brother had left them for-ever. First of all they have to to face everything from dust to mountains of remarks and taunts of society, not only about brother, but about her family. Also she had to face teasing of  friends and eve-teasing of boys. With each and every thought, her pace was reducing.

But then, she heard some footsteps. As she looked back, in the silvery moonlight she could see a dark figure of a boy. She knew what it meant. Though it was quarter to twelve and she was walking on a dark road alone, she was not afraid till now. But then the boy shouted –“Stop!!”

Fear had set deep into her eyes. She turned and started walking fast. But as she heard running footsteps following her, she too started running.

She thought Kaash her brother could be with her.

This reminded her of an childhood incident when she was playing in a garden with her brother and a dog was running before her. As she shouted for help, her brother intercepted the path of the dog. And then that li’l eight year old girl was hiding behind her ‘mighty’ ten year old brother.

Though the dog bit hi twice on right leg, he was smiling, cause he was successful in making dog retreat.

Trying to run faster and faster….with twice fast heartbeats, she wished for help, not from God, but from her brother. So that she could stand behind him and ready to face each and every problem.

But, the boy caught her wrist. For that moment she can’t even dare to think about the incident following that. But, she felt strange in that tight but gentle grip. She was trying to recognize that touch. In the next second she recognized that gentle heart touching feel and without a moment’s hesitation she hugged that boy. She was crying. She was crying hard against that well built chest. 

With continuous streams of tears flowing down her cheeks, she was repeatedly asking in partially choked voice-

“Why……. Why had you left me……..Just answer me……Why……..”

Not answering the questions the boy just wrapped her in his arms. She felt comfortable in that warm wrap. She was now safe, at the safest place. She was guarded by strong arms of her brother. Now there was nothing to worry, nothing to get afraid of and nothing to fear with.


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