"You too want to rape me?!"

India, a  nation of hues and spirits. One of the most visited country in the world, famous for its colors, architecture, food, spices and above all, its culture. A culture purely based on ethics and values that flows in its every native. With these thoughts just crossed my mind, my chest puffed out, feeling proud of the motherland I was born too.

I was walking along the path of the park, just like any other evening. Its always good to have a walk after an exhausting day. Company of thought for some few miles do contribute for a better day.

As I was walking, something hit my foot, upon looking down, I found it was a small pocket diary fell from the pocket from someone who just passed by. I picked it up and turned, a blonde lady was walking away with earphones plugged in.

I yelled- "Excuse me m'am!"

Expectedly, it went in unheard, so i ran to her. She was blonde and height, a little less than me. She was walking confidently on the tunes of music. Clearly, she wasn't Indian and I was surprised a bit as tourists are rare in Nagpur, and this part of the city was just a residential area.

As I reached her, again I said - "Hey, M'am!!!"

And surprisingly, this too went unheard. It was like she didn't expected anyone to talk to her.

I tapped her shoulder, that confident posture withered as she turned. She stood frozen, her expressionless face changed drastically, eyes widened, brows condensed, she struggled to breathe every inch of  air and her pinkish face was pale and wane in no time.

While I was still wondering what just happened, she said in a low submissive voice-

"You too want to rape me?!"

"Eh?.. Wh.. What?...What did she just said?.. Yeah, she said something about raping her! But... why?... Does it make sense here?"

Though I was awestruck, I turned my head down. I could not face that brutal honesty in her eyes. I was unable to bear that pain.

In no condition to speak, I passed that diary to her. After staring it for a few seconds, she took it. As I loosened my grip, I looked at her, she wasn't panicked now, but afraid, those brows were calm now, but fear still gripped her eyes. Before running away, she looked at me, in my moist but red eyes, she found guilt, a necessary one.

And this forces me to see the dark side. The dark side of Indian society and condition of women.

We live in a country where we worship female deity, we call our nation- Bharat Mata, and the practical condition is, our women are not safe, not from any external enemy, but they fear our own men.

Society blames the victim for wearing short clothes, for going out late at night, for being so friendly with males, for each and every thing, which was not her fault. Society blames her for being raped. And Police asks her to explain in detail how she was raped. I mean, how can you be so cruel, how can you be so inhumane. If you just can't support her then please for God's sake do not traumatize her.

They blame it upon her, but tell me who is to be blamed when, new born is raped, her dress??? When a 13 year old is raped in bright daylight, the dark night??? When her own father rapes her, her male friends???

Tell me who is to be blamed for a mentally and physically challenged is raped on wheel chair??? About that 3 weeks old, or that 74 year old, even the corpse??? Who is to be blamed???
A 9th grader is raped and blinded so that she should not recognize the perpetrators. A pregnant lady is gang-raped in front of her tied husband. The gram panchayat orders victim for gang-rape, just for choosing her life partner from a different caste.
Who is to be blamed???

Who the hell is to be blamed when, a teen rapes, 94 year old, almost extinct being, rapes, a laborer rapes, a high class business man rapes, a film industry superstar rapes, a social worker rapes, when a 4 year old rapes and 12 men gang rape???
Who is to be blamed???

Rape is barbaric, but who is to be blamed for proving themselves raw ruthless merciless brutes, when they burn the victim alive, when they strangulate and cut the body into dozens of pieces??? When they torture her with wood, sticks, rod, bottle, tube light rod, every shitty think they can think of??
Who is to be blamed???

Don't tell me that all this can be brought to justice by your candle light march or by observing a black day. Don't tell me that you expect that your WhatsApp status and Instagram stories will change the scenario. Even that long caption will not change anything.

Do tell me you expect that hanging or burning alive the criminals would solve the problem. You can brutally kill them, but what about million others??? Who will do justice to them??? Who will hang them or burn then alive mid road??? This ain't possible, right???

So clearly, this is not the solution.

Apart from strengthened and effective executive, the Police, we need a lot more strict laws. We need change in the policies of the government, we need change in the way police works, we need everyone to be more and more serious about this.

But more importantly, we need to understand, we need to evolve, we need to change our thinking. We need to update us with facts, the social scenario, the laws, and what the victim feels after being raped.

She is in an emotional trauma, and it can be physical as well. We need not to burden her with illogical and unnecessary load of shame and honor. Instead of boycotting and slut shaming her, we need to support her.

We have to overcome those age old beliefs, those illogical pieces of shit. Whatever you say, you know that the society is a male dominated one, and in such a world, where we can't teach our sons to respect a girl, we have no right to question a girl.

We needs to check the way this generation grows up, this generation has to be safe. Your sister and your daughter has right to a safe future.

It isn't wrong to say that rape has become a part of Indian culture. We teach our girls to hide and suppress them them when we need to stand by them. On the name of honor of family. Of what use is that honor if you can't protect your own girl, of what use it when you can't stand for her.

We need to change this rape culture.

This needs to be changed, and if we are the change, then let us be!


  1. It's a long journey with bumpy road...
    We can only cling to our hope.


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