
Showing posts from April, 2020

South diary

" Most people... are like a falli ng leaf that drifts and turns in the air, flutters, and finally falls to the ground. " Hermann Hesse " And that was a good movie", said Litesh coyly as we head out for the exit in the PVR mall. And we continued to talk about the plot until we were left with the only roof, the pitch-black sky. We stood there for a moment to just embrace the beauty( I mean the city ! )    You can have an eloquent view of the Vijayawada city, Bhavanipuram Island and the river Krishna from the Kanaka Durga Temple that relaxes on the top of the hill near the banks of the magnificent river( Damn magnificent ) The city is still spreading , laying its hands to the farthest corners that are under its reach. She is merciless with her scorching heat, but when the night falls she turns calm. If you are willing, you could hear her breath. And if you are really close to her, you could even feel her beat. We did not know the city, especially t


मणिकर्णिका घाट  माँगा तो सुकून था पर मिला वो ना था, हक़ीक़त भली थी जो ख्वाब पूरा ना था । लहरों से झुनझने नैया ले कर कूद गए, किनारों से दूर चूकि ये अपना ना था । ज़मीनों की तलाश में एक साहिल पर उतर गए, यहाँ मरघट की ताप थी और पीछे रास्ता ना था । कई रात गुज़ारीं हैं ठंड में ठिठुर गए, आज चिता में आग है पास जाड़ा ना था । भोर होगी तब सोचेंगे कहाँ जाएँ, आज फर्श टटोल लो कल ये भी ना था । मानो अँधेरा कहता है रुक जा जी ले, जो चाहता है वो लकीरों में लिखा ना था । मोहोब्बत हाथ एसे थाम कि लकीरें मिट जाएँ, आखिर तक़दीर जानले 'फ़क़ीर' गुलाम ना था ।