
Showing posts from November, 2019

Old & Nostalgic

One day, the eighty-eight-year-old ‘you’ would be sitting on a bench in a park, in nostalgia, in melancholy. Much above worldly affairs or disconnected from loved ones, you would be sitting there much wiser from now. Much wiser or less concerned, it does not make any difference. You would be sitting there alone and yet together with a lot of people, not physically but mentally. Remembering each and every person you could remember from each part of your life. Starting from your kindergarten friend who saved you from bullies. You don’t have any clear memory of your friend’s face or name, but recalling that event makes you happy and thankful to your probably first friend in school. Then your neighboring buddies, different age, different faces, different places but one common thing, the bond of togetherness and that fun you had even after quarrels. How can you forget your cricket buddies, karate kids and school bus pals? You’ll relive those olden days. Those mom


ज़िद्दी बनो, ज़िन्दगी खुद-ब-खुद आसा हो जाएगी ! जैसे किरण का छोर हो, वर्षा कोई घनघोर हो । ज़िन्दगी क तूफ़ान में- तनिक न कमज़ोर हो । रोज़ आगे चला कर, नित्य आगे बढ़ा कर । ज़िन्दगी की मुश्किलों से- तनिक ना तू डरा कर । रात की वो ओस है तू, आस का एक स्रोत है तू । ज़िन्दगी की राहों पर- खुद में ही मदहोश है तू । आंधी में जलता दीप है तू, मन में बजता गीत है तू । ज़िन्दगी के खेल में- हर हार जीता वीर है तू । खुद को सुधा पीला कर, बैरियों  से मिला कर । ज़िन्दगी की आँधियों में- तनिक ना तू हिला कर । चाहे की तारो में फेर हो, या तू खुद ही ढेर हो । ज़िन्दगी के जंगलों में- चल की जैसे शेर हो ।


Let's fade into this gentle dark night! Let's fade into this gentle dark night, In silent breeze, in silvery light. Two, together, walking holding hands, Looking through the creepy lands. Speaking steps, hearing haze, We, the us, running through maze, Before all this cracks into the bright,  Let's fade into this gentle dark night.  Warming breathe, closer hearts, Gathering the two broken parts. Together as one we'll mark height, Let's fade into this gentle dark night.  If not for once, then for forever night, Let's fade into this gentle dark night.  Before the dream cracks into the light, Let's fade into this gentle dark night.


We are dead, the day we were born!!! A million hearts, crying, Billion others, weeping. And still we can't hear, Are we dead or sleeping? Pundits slaves of hard cash, Can't we see the fuckin trash? Weird it is, the ash in sky!!! Better to say, the sky in ash! Cool, aren't we? Seeking great Wisdom to write on trees! Wailing thereafter, smoking- Roads, Save Paper, Save Trees! Sadist we are! Victims? Besides us, animals too. Rising waters, spreading- Wildfires, and raging flu! Where safety must be want, Cursed! Its her hasty need! Matured grown up brutes, Lost in lust, smokin weed! Wilderness of gloomy mess, Greed prevails in miseries! We are humans! Are we??? Soaked in real, but worries. Half dead, the day we're born! Ours is the time, make it sieve! If we can't, then let them live! If we can't, then let them live!

Bestie's 10th Birthday

Imagine we are 10 yo kids… Then how would I surprise on your birthday…??? Here is the tale- “Happy Birthday”, I wished simply coyly as I shaked hands with you and you gave me 4 toffees unlike others whom you gave just one. I know, its best friend’s treat on your birthday. And now I have a reason to believe it. After distributing chocolates in whole class, you seeked teacher’s permission to give away those toffees to teachers of other classes. And when teacher asked you for your companion, the happiness was hearing my name. We went in every class together to distribute the toffees, discussing your birthday party at the evening. You were excited about your cousins coming to your place for celebrating your day. Coming back to class and attending classes. And yeah that sucks so much when its your bestie’s birthday and you have planned a surprise gift. At last, the bell for recess break rang and the teacher was gone. Before you opened your special lunch box, I


Surya Kiran Aerobatics Team (SKAT) @ Air Fest 2019 HQMC, Nagpur  Excitement increased beat by beat, Soul danced on the rhythm. Joy and thrill, both inside and outside, Just waiting for them to fly by. First the announcement, then roar in sky, Every eye searched for glory in the sky. Cries of joy and waving hereby, In seconds and flashed, they passed by. Me and the crowd were calm again, They were quite and I was cold again. Eyes full of hopes, scanned the sky again, No more announcements , no more roar again. Heart said- That was the last one, They had passed by!!!